Quick Stats
This basslet is a very hardy aquarium species and does best in the fish only aquarium or reef aquarium with caution. Larger Tobacco Basslets can can pose a threat to small crustaceans and smaller fishes, especially tiny damselfish, small gobies, and blennies. A single individual should be maintained in a minimum of a 70 gallon tank, while more than one requires at least 125 gallons. Even so, the Tobacco Fish may try to dominate smaller members of the same species, so it is best to introduce several Tobacco Basslet into the aquarium at the same time if the plans are to maintain a small group.
True of all members of the Serranus genus, the Tobacco Basslet is hermaphroditic.
As a carnivore, the Tobacco Basslet will thrive on a diet of meaty foods such as finely chopped fresh or frozen marine fish, squid, mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp and frozen carnivore preparations.
Approximate Purchase Size: Small 1/2" to 1" Medium 1" to 2"