BlueCoralBoost is a nutritional supplement specifically formulated as a nutritional enricher for corals.
Includes 10 bottles suitable for treating 10,000 liters of water, 25 ml bottle with lid and 10 ml sterile syringe.
Especially recommended for recently cut hearts, new acclimatization and prevention of RTN (Rapid Tecidual Necrose) and STN (Slow Tecidual Necrose).
Composition: -Glycoproteins: Specific to minimize deficiencies and increase the resilience of the heart.
-Chromopeptides: Natural antioxidants with the ability to neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage caused by oxygen-reactive species.
-Amino acids: Selection of essential amino acids (165 not total), crucial for the correct cellular development of the heart.
**Instructions for Use:**
1. Dilute the powder contained in 1 vial into 10 mL of osmosis water and stir until fully dissolved.
2. Measure 0.1 mL of the product for every 10 L of water, or as desired.
3. Store the remaining amount in the fridge and dose over the course of one month.
4. You can add this product to live phytoplankton or any commercial food intended for corals.
**Additional Considerations:**
- Only dilute the amount you will use within a month.
- Store the dry product vials and dilutions in the fridge.
- To maximise its effect, dose the enriched food directly onto the coral polyps.
– **Tissue Regeneration:** Glycoproteins have a healing effect, stimulating the regeneration of damaged coral tissue, aiding in the recovery from injuries, fragging processes, and more.
– **Stress Resistance:** The antioxidants in the product help protect corals from oxidative stress caused by adverse environmental factors, adaptation to new conditions, and parameter changes.
– **Immune System Strengthening:** Amino acids boost the immune system of corals, helping them resist various diseases and pathogens.
Tested on live corals, "BCB" is a complete and balanced solution for improving the health and well-being of these organisms, ensuring an optimal environment for their development and promoting their adaptability to different conditions.