Amphiprion ocellaris - Midnight Clownfish

Amphiprion ocellaris - Midnight Clownfish

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Quick Stats

Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Color Form: Black, Orange, Yellow
Diet: Omnivore
Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 3"
Origin: Captive-Bred, ORA®
Family: Pomacentridae
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons


The ORA® Captive-Bred Midnight Clownfish is entirely black with a yellow/orange nose and face. This unique color variety of the popular Ocellaris Clownfish lacks the three white bands and makes a striking addition to the home aquarium. This member of the Pomacentridae family is an excellent addition to almost any saltwater aquarium system.

Captive-bred fish have a unique advantage over wild-harvested species, as they are generally very hardy and more accustomed to conditions found in the home aquarium. Therefore, captive-bred fishes make a great choice for novices and seasoned aquarists alike.

The Captive-Bred Midnight Ocellaris is easy to breed in the home aquarium. The females will be the largest of the pair and the two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium. Clownfish are egg layers and will deposit the eggs on a flat surface and defend the eggs from other tank mates. The eggs will normally hatch in 8-11 days depending on the water temperature. The fry must be reared in a separate aquarium on a diet of rotifers followed by baby brine shrimp.

The Midnight Clownfish diet consists of almost any meaty food items and herbivore preparations.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3/4" to 1-1/4"