Quick Stats
Generally found amid crevices and rocks on the bottom of its environment, the Bicolor Blenny needs a tank of at least 30 gallons with scattered rocks for perching and hiding.
These fishes are normally peaceful tank members, but have been known to pick at other blennies, smaller gobies and dartfish. They normally make a good addition to reef aquariums, but use caution in smaller set ups, or with smaller fleshy corals, as they have been know to pick at the mantles of clams, and at fleshy large polyp stony corals when underfed. In larger reef aquariums they rarely do damage to these corals or clams.
The diet of the Bicolor Blenny should include vegetable matter, including frozen and dried foods containing marine and blue-green algae. It will also feed on (and help control) algae growing in the aquarium.
Approximate Purchase Size: Small 1-1/4" to 2"; Medium 2" to 3"; Large 3" to 4"