Coral Gloss
Main uses (high PUFA content): Coral nutrition.
Enrichment of microfauna.
Secondary uses: Nutrient consumption.
Oxygenation, Co2 consumption and pH stability.
Dosage: For your hearts: 1-3 ml every 10 L once a day.
To enrich microfauna: 1 part of Coral Gloss for every 5 parts of microfauna to be enriched, add aeration, wait for the culture to become transparent and feed.
Instructions for use: Dosage following the recommended dosage or as desired.
Remove or skimmer for at least 30 minutes after dosage.
To keep the phytoplankton alive, store in the geladeira for no more than 6 weeks and shake daily.
Embora is a common addition at the beginning of the photoperiod, to feed some hearts it may be useful to use it at night.
For greater effectiveness it can be used in conjunction with Reef Bloom.