Premnas biaculeatus - Gold Nugget

Premnas biaculeatus - Gold Nugget

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Quick Stats

Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Color Form: Gold, Maroon, White
Diet: Omnivore
Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 6"
Origin: Captive-Bred, Captive-Bred, ORA®
Family: Pomacentridae
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons


The Captive-Bred Gold Nugget Maroon Clownfish is ORA®'s most distinct clownfish variety to date. Its unique appearance is the result of a genetic mutation that manifests in a similar way to the mutation that produces the Platinum Percula. However, this Premnas designer goes through a transition as it matures, where its body changes from white to a shimmering gold. The Gold Nugget's fins are a dark maroon color, edged in fluorescent orange trim. Their eyes are dark and fierce-looking against the gold body. Some individuals exhibit an icy blue iridescence on the edges of their body. Appearances aside, these fish are entirely a Gold Stripe Maroon in every other regard, so care must be taken when pairing, choosing tankmates, or choosing tank size.

Captive-bred clownfish are very hardy and durable fish making them a perfect addition for the novice or seasoned aquarist. The Maroon Clownfish is a good candidate for a reef aquarium. The Maroon Clownfish are the most territorial of all clownfish species. Maroon Clownfish are very sensitive to elevated levels of copper, and should never be exposed to levels near or above .15.

Captive-bred clownfish are easy to breed in the home aquarium. The females will be the largest of the pair, and two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium. These fish are egg layers and will deposit the eggs on a flat surface, and defend the eggs from other tank mates. The eggs will normally hatch in 8-11 days depending on the temperature. The fry must be reared in a separate aquarium on a diet of rotifers then baby brine shrimp.

The Gold Nugget Maroon Clownfish diet consists of almost any meaty food items and herbivore preparations.

Do not move the Maroon Clownfish with a net as its cheek spines will become entangled. Use a specimen container if capture is necessary.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3/4" to 1-3/4"; Large: 2" to 3"