Tisbe sp
Small benthic copepods for marine aquarium (includes adults and nauplii).
They compete for space with dinoflagellates and are capable of consuming diatoms, algae and detritus, actively combating them.
Suitable for feeding, biological control and colonization.
One of the two most easily colonized genera in aquaria.
Minimum recommended dosage: 1 L for aquariums > 200L 0.5 L for aquariums between 100 L – 200 L 0.25 L for aquariums < 100 L Instructions for use: Acclimate the copepodes to the aquarium water.
Clear 100% of the contents of the destination tank.
If possible, keep a cover of algae and add copepods at night.
Periodic additions can be useful to help the colony perpetuate itself.
These copepods can be fed with REEF BLOOM.