Reef Bloom
Main use: Zooplank proliferation Green water technique Secondary uses: Nutrient consumption.
Oxygenation, CO2 consumption, pH stability Product made 100% by a mixture of live cells of different specially selected microalgae that allows the establishment of a colony of zooplankton in the reef aquarium. Suitable for raising fingerlings using the “green water” technique.
Dosage: For your Reef: 1-4 ml every 10 L once a day.
For your other fry: 15 ml/L each time the water is clear.
Instructions for use: Dosage following the recommended dosage or as desired.
Remove or skimmer for at least 30 minutes after dosage.
To keep the phytoplankton alive, store in the geladeira for no more than 6 weeks and shake daily.
If possible, do not start the photoperiod.