Preparation of the plankton culture:
Please put the culture preparation into the reactor and fill up with salt water.
Then please add the recommended quantity of PhytoFood.
The reactor filling will show the initial colour after few days.
A regular withdrawal of plankton and refilling of the nutrient solution extends the standing time of the culture.
As soon as you have a good growing Phytoplankton culture, you should store a small quantity in a tightly closed container which you put in the refrigerator.
From this portion you can prepare a new one in case of a breakdown of the reactor culture.
A regular withdrawal of plankton and refilling of the nutrient solution extends the standing time of the culture.
Here we recommend the GroTech PhytoBreeder, the Phytoplankton reactor with automatic dosing equipment.
Store in the refrigerator 4-10°C !